Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Lazy blogger that I am...

...nothing much by way of lectionary reflections lately.

And for something completely different:

One 'a my college buddies, Jon Henry, is coming to visit me this weekend! It should be fun. Moreso b/c the wife's away right now, and I've been starved for some social interaction. Less-so for the fact that I'm packing our belongings (by myself--as I mentioned, the wife's away) for the upcoming move, so the house is crazily decked out in precarious stacks of books and kitchen-gadgets stacked up to the walls.

Miss those old college friends of mine. Used to write a heck of a lot more then (poetry, that is.) 'Course, that could be because I was in school for it, but it didn't hurt that they were all writers too.


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