Monday, April 30, 2007

(For a Silent Retreat) The Necessary Chatter of the World

I wrote this during my first year of seminary, during a silent retreat. I'm reposting it today because we at the Wash U. ECM are about to have a day-and-a-half long silent retreat...


Is talk something we "need," the way we need
food or love or internet access?
Yet monks go years without saying a word...
Today's a "quiet day" at Seabury,
which means that we are not supposed to talk
when we are in the halls, refectory,
or any other common space today.
At lunch, I sit and pick at my salad
(I'm trying to lose weight, or change my life
in a way vaguely linked to how I look,
or how I live, or how I treat myself...)
and look around at all my fellow students.
Most of them seem inward-turned today,
not looking at each other, eyes downcast
as if to say, "If I can't speak to you,
we might as well be in two different rooms."
What terrifying emptiness is formed
around us when sensations can't be named:
A siren bays somewhere not far away
and I can't lock it safely down with words--
as if the world might sink its million teeth,
from millions of its tiny mouths, in us
without the safety of restraining talk.
What does it "mean," when in a lingual void,
a rabbit runs across the campus Garth?
A tree falls in the woods, and no one speaks.
So did it make a sound? What would they mean,
sound, tree, meaning, woods, without the words?
And by the time I get back to my room
I'm feeling nervy as Schrödinger’s cat,
tense with the unnamed's breath upon my neck,
and sit down by the screen to write a bit--
to push the nothing back as by a charm,
as bonfires in the woods drive back the dark--
A stream of language, babbling like the sea--
The necessary chatter of the world.


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