Easter Wednesday (Daily Office Lectionary) Year One
[Micah 7:7-15]
Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy;
when I fall, I shall rise;
when I sit in darkness,
the Lord will be a light to me.
- Micah 7:8
I love that this passage acknowledges, as does our Baptismal Creed, the inevitability of falling. It's not "if," but "when I fall." And what is so inspiring to me about this passage is its stubborn faith, the unlikely hope of the one who has already fallen. Who hasn't encountered, at some point or another, someone whose faith absolutely defied their circumstances? Those fallen-darkness-sitters who by all accounts have no reasont to hope, but do-- not an insane manic hope, but the calm certainty that God is with them, continues to be a light to them, and that they shall rise?
Oscar Wilde: True, all of us are in the gutter; But some of us are looking at the stars.
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