Monday, August 14, 2006

Proper 14 Year Two, Monday

[Judges 12:1-7]


I went to the Asian market yesterday,
the one on Grand: It's called Jay's
International Foods.
So, shopping list in hand, there I stood
next to the frozen squid, unsure which way
would bring me to the curry paste.
Foods were oddly placed:
pastas in the cooler with the produce,
ox-tail soup base by the octopus.
Another wrong turn led me to waste
ten minutes by the tea,
lost and wandering in a land of plenty.
Finally, I found the soba noodles
and wasabi power (near the bottles
of vivid, bright-red chili).
The check-out clerk asked me in disbelief,
"Are you sure you know how to cook with these?"
I said, "I've got a recipe."
And then she asked me,
"What's with the shirt? Are you some kind of priest?"


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